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Our article "Iron nanoparticle composite hydrogels for studying effects of iron ion release on red blood cell … Our article "Iron nanoparticle composite hydrogels for studying …
Ludwig A. Hothorn, born in 1949, worked as a biostatistician in the pharmaceutical industry and for the German … Ludwig A. Hothorn, born in 1949, worked as a biostatistician in the …
Timna Bergmann and Sophia Meermeyer start as Ph.D. students. Welcome! Timna Bergmann and Sophia Meermeyer start as Ph.D. students. Welcome! …
Dr. Peter Schertl starts as a Postdoc and Susanna Ziegler starts as technical assistance in our research … Dr. Peter Schertl starts as a Postdoc and Susanna Ziegler starts as …
The department of Cell Biology is established and forms a new institute together with the departments of … The department of Cell Biology is established and forms a new …